Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Ian and my scarecrow!

So I thought I would post some pictures of Ian awake and smiling! He is such a happy boy most of the time! He is already acquiring his daddy and brother's charming skills. His smile seems to brighten a room and charm any lady who stops to talk to him!

His eyes always seem to mesmerise me!
I asked Sarah what she was doing and she said, "I'm posing like a scarecrow mom"!This is how you position your feet!And this is how to smile like a scarecrow! I think i might stick her out front to scare away all of our spiders and bats!


Slim said...

I don't think that cutie would scare away anything! Ian's eyes ARE mesmerizing! You have the cutest kids!

Natalie said...

Who made the darling quilt?

Jenn said...

So adorable!! And I really like that Halloween Banner you made!!! So awesome!!

Nielson said...

Ian is ADORABLE--Sarah is the prettiest scarecrow ever, and that banner you made is ridiculously cute!!

KaRLie said...

I just looked at all your recent posts and they are all so cute. I little Ians pictures and the funny things your little girl said. I love the monster one I cant wait for Emily to start talking!!!

Kelli Proctor said...

Leigh, he is so beautiful! Love the pic of Sara beiing a scarecrow, she couldnt be scarey if she tried, she is beautiful and so way cute!

jodi said...

Wow I will have to practice my scarcrow pose more! Your kids are adorable!

Laci said...

Oh, he's soooooo cute Leigh!!! Makes me think boys aren't quite so bad....haha Cami was wearing the same yellow shirt that Sarah had on when we looked at the pics and she got soooo excited. Then she freaked out and screamed, "mom look, Sarah has My Dad Rocks too!!!" Cutest girlies!