Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Britten always seems to amaze me! I love the way his little brain works! He is always asking me questions and they are ones he has put a lot of thought into. Something that Britten has done since I can remember is collect things. If you come into his room you will find his collection of pirate ships, or coins. He also has a nice collection of transformers. Before Pompa passed away he offered Britten a few boxes that he had some coins in. Britten was in heaven and LOVED the boxes. One sits by his bed with some of his treasures! I love this box because it contains some of his favorite things. And if you happen to take something out or move it somewhere else he will know!
Posted by loven it! at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Ian's first time to EAT some grub!

Posted by loven it! at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
You mean Thanksgiving has come and gone?
We drove down to Arizona for Thanksgiving and had a fun time! Dinner was the best! I wish I had taken pictures of the feast! We got to visit with Jeff's Nana we call Gran-Nana and with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We also got to visit with Jeff's Grandma Bullock too! It was a long drive but worth it to see family! We went to play mini golf with cousins Porter, Emma, Hunter, Stockton and Emma! The kids had FUN!

Posted by loven it! at 9:46 AM 4 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday morning while Britten was in school Sarah, Ian and I went to Wallymart to do a little shopping. On the way out of the store I was in a bit of a hurry because Ian was starting to get fussy so Sarah was trailing behind me a little. As I was heading out the door I hear Sarah announce very loudly "I don't have ANY money". I turned around to see her talking to the salvation army coin collector from a distance. I looked at him and he started laughing so hard! It was such a funny moment and I am sure she made his day...
Posted by loven it! at 8:29 AM 7 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Birthday FUN!!
For my birthday I thought it would be fun to go bowling!! We had not been since Sarah was a little baby and Britten was two! The kids had so much fun!!Even little Ian enjoyed watching everyone play!
Britten and Sarah patiently waiting for their turn to bowl again!!
My good looking husband! I still have my mad bowling skills that I learned in my college bowling class! I think it is one game I can beat Jeff at!
About a month ago my girlfriends and I decided to buy tickets for Twilight! It just so happened to come out on my birthday!! So what a better time than dinner and a much anticipated movie with the girls on my 33rd! We had dinner at Japano's Japanese and it was so good!!
Then we were off to the movie!! Thank goodness for assigned seats because we got there right in time!! We were all super excited!! I think we all liked it to by the expression on our faces afterward!
I only took this picture because here are the real girls that should be excited. They are the 12 - 14 year olds! Oh to be young again!!

Posted by loven it! at 11:30 AM 19 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Me oh MY!
I love this tag, I have seen it on a few friends blogs! I think so often as a mom it is all about the kids and hubby! This one's for me!
I am: A daughter of God
I know: my husband LOVES me!
I want: to live life to the fullest!
I have: so many blessings!
I dislike: cockroaches and sick kids!
I miss: the beach
I feel: happy!
I hear: my washing machine - it's always running.
I smell: my yummy pumpkin roll scentsy!
I crave: donuts from the lehi bakery and of course chocolate covered cinnamon bears!
I search: for the truth.
I love: my husband and children. They are the sum total of my heart!
I worry: about being a good mommy.
I remember: childhood visits to my grandma and papa's house in santa monica!
I wonder: where i will be in 5 years from now!
I dance: every chance i get! usually with britten and sarah!
I don't: like to argue.
I argue: with rude people at walmart!
I write: not enough! my blog gets most of it!
I win: occasionally! i was not blessed with my dad's good luck.
I like: girls night out!
I lose: when i play cards with jeff! (and i taught him how to play - no fair!)
I wish: to go on a fun trip with my hubby! (maybe back to hawaii... one day!)
I listen: to mostly country music! i love christmas music too!
I hate to: clean toilets.
I am scared: of car accidents and losing someone i love.
I need: a diet coke!
I tag: Any one :)
Posted by loven it! at 10:42 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Our dinner table conversation!
My poor kids! With their daddy away I seem to make quesadillas, eggs or cereal for dinner. Nothing time consuming and always simple! Last night I was at the store and walked by the rotisserie chicken section and the smell was so good and homemade!! I thought well, I am going to get us a yummy chicken for dinner! (still totally simple). I also got a sweet potato. This is our dinner menu: garlic and herb chicken, mashed sweet potato, costco organic corn. My kids cleaned their plates and both had seconds and thirds! (At that point I felt really bad for not feeding them so well over the past week and a half). Then Sarah asked:
Posted by loven it! at 9:30 AM 6 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sundays Post!
So, it has been a while since my last Sundays Post! I have been thinking about this for a while and have not had the time to write it! Our church held it's 178th semi-annual general conference this past October. It is a time when the president of our church with the apostles and leaders share inspiring and motivational talks. One thing I love about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that we have a modern day prophet that leads and guides in these times. The prophet is an amazing man named Thomas S. Monson. On my last post I think I mentioned that my Grandma joined the church in Canada and was one of the first members in her area and Thomas S. Monson was the mission president there at the time. A few years back he came to Houston to do a conference and took about 30 minutes out of his busy schedule to visit with my Grandma and my Mom. I know it was a great experience for them! President Monson gave a talk titled Finding Joy in the Journey this past October that really touched me. Here are a few things he said:
In closing, I pray that all of us will reflect gratitude for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His glorious gospel provides answers to life’s greatest questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where does my spirit go when I die? He taught us how to pray. He taught us how to serve. He taught us how to live. His life is a legacy of love. The sick He healed; the downtrodden He lifted; the sinner He saved. The time came when He stood alone. Some Apostles doubted; one betrayed Him. The Roman soldiers pierced His side. The angry mob took His life. There yet rings from Golgotha’s hill His compassionate words, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Let us follow Him. Let us emulate His example. Let us obey His word. By so doing, we give to Him the divine gift of gratitude.
Posted by loven it! at 6:47 AM 5 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Bumbles Anyone??
I am hosting a Bumbles watch open house this week!!
When: Wednesday November 5, 2008
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Where: MY casa!
Please feel free to stop by and bring a friend!! It's a open house so you can pop in when ever it is convenient for you!
Posted by loven it! at 12:10 PM 7 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
November 1st and the Neilsen's!
I love the month of November! It is probably my favorite month of the year! This November started out FABULOUS!! We all slept in until 10AM! Can you believe it?? Then we stayed in our pajamas until 2PM! Then we headed up American Fork Canyon with our great friends the Neilsons! We met the Lindsay and Jeremy back in Houston in 2002! We lived in the same apartment complex and were members of the Champions Ward! Since then our friendship and families have grown! I think they are some of the nicest people I have ever met! I consider them the "salt of the earth" so to say! We also have a dutch oven dinner tradition with them so of course we made YUMMY chicken enchiladas and Mississippi mud cake! Britten, Sarah, Kennedy and Bridger all sitting by the fire!

Posted by loven it! at 8:27 AM 4 comments
All good things must come to an END!
This is the cutest mermaid I ever did see!This is the cutest fighter pilot I ever did see...
This is the cutest little spider I ever did see... Hey what happened to your costume! I'll have to post a few later when he actually stays in it! The head part kept covering his head completely and he could not see...
Posted by loven it! at 7:57 AM 4 comments