Sunday, June 28, 2009

Goblin Valley Father's Day!

For Father's Day weekend we went to Lake Powell with Jeff's parents and sister!  (those pics to come later because i did not have my camera on the boat!)  On the way home we stopped at Goblin Valley with the kids!
It really is amazing all of the rock formations!  I guess they call it Goblin Valley because the formations look like little goblins!
Here are a few of the "goblins" we found!
No, it was just us!
Dad and Ian up on a big goblin rock!
Sarah posed at every corner saying, "hey mom, get a picture of me!"  And most of the time her legies were crossed!
Sarah and Britten!
Ian loved it for about 15 minutes then he was ready to hit the road and take a nap!
Daddy and all of his goblins!  Britten and Sarah sure LOVE their dad!  I think every time we go somewhere they both say, "I want to sit by daddy!"
Happy Father's day!  We are so blessed with great Father's and my kids with a great Dad!!  Thanks to our dad's for all they do!  We love you!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sarah's Dance Recital!

Sarah had her first dance recital!!  I think the mom's were way more excited than the girls!  It has been a fun year for her to go to dance once a week!  I have been so proud of her and she has learned a lot!  Here are a few pics from her recital!  This is her friend Meela in our neighborhood.
They danced to Ariel the little mermaid song.  Not sure what the name is but so appropriate for little Sarah!  She has loved that movie and song since I can remember!

Grandma and Jimini came all the way from Texas to see Sarah perform!  It was such a special day!
I was so proud of my little girl!!  (so side note!  Jeff was going to pick up flowers in the morning but Britten woke up with strider and had to go to the Dr. for a steroid.  Anyway - they barely made it back in time to see her dance and did not have a chance to pick up some flowers.  Thank heavens they sold some there!!)
Dad and Sarah!  She sure loves her daddy!
The Bullock Family!
I had asked Sarah later that day about dancing up on stage in front of all those people and she said, "Mom, I could feel the Gospel while I was up there."  What she was meaning is that she could feel the Holy Ghost while she was dancing.  I told her Heavenly Father was so proud of her and that what she was doing was a good thing!  She agreed and wants to keep on dancing!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My baby turned ONE!

These pictures are totally out of order - backwards!  I can't figure out how to move them with my apple!  Ian got a vacuum from his mom and dad and he played with it all day long!!  If it would have worked my floor would have been totally clean!
He also got some fun bath toys from his aunt Mary and uncle Rich!
If you look down about 4 shots, Ian is totally happy about his cousin Hunter hanging by him.  Next Hunter takes a little frosting and puts it on his face like Ian.  Ian is not too happy about this!  Then Ian is totally ticked and this last picture below is classic of his expression!

Here he is sharing the frosting with me!  Right in the eyeball!
Cramming it in!  This is good stuff!

Happy Birthday sweet little boy!
The birthday crew!  Aunt Barbara, cousin Porter (who was leaving on a mission), cousin Hunter, Aunt Mary, Uncle Rich and cousin Ryder!
Here are some pics of Ian in the morning!  Just being a one year old!  For some reason I love this picture of him standing up!
 This is classic - Ian uses his high chair for a walker!  He would walk all over the kitchen if he did not stop at the trash can!
I was trying to get a shot of his two teeth!  Not so successful!
He loves his binky still!
Ian, I can't believe you are one!  Where has all the time gone!  We all find so much happiness in being around you!  You light up the room with your smile and we love you so much!!  Happy Happy Birthday!!

Last Two Weeks of Kindergarten! boo hoo!

The last two weeks of Kindergarten were totally jammed packed with fun!  We had Science day, bubble day, monster day, carnival day, water day, community service day and a few more!  I certainly don't remember having this much fun in Kindergarten!  Here are a few pics of water day!
Here is Madison starting the water obstacle course!  We had a balloon toss and water gun tag.
Here are some pics from our carnival day!  This was such a fun day!!  The kids did sack races, bowling, ring toss, leap frog, bean bag toss and a donut game.

Britten was amazing at the sack race!  I could not believe how fast and high he jumped to the finish line!  He was awesome!
Here is the donut eating contest!
Here are some pictures of field day!  This is a picture of the amazing clouds!  This is also a shot of the back of Pony Express Elementary school.  
a few friends...
Getting ready to relay race!
Needless to say I was so busy these last few weeks of school!  I guess that is what you get when you sign up to be the party planner mom!  I had some great help from Becky and Damaris and a few other mom's came to help!  It was a lot of work but so worth it to see how happy the kids were!  That is so what it is all about if you ask me!  

Britten's Kindergarten Program!

Britten and his little friend Madison M. (above)  Below is Britten singing in his top hat!  I think my favorite song was the ABC disco one because Britten was totally busting a move!  I swear that kid has more rhythm! 
Here he is about to say his line, "Parents are very nice people!"  
Here are two of his best friends from Mrs. Reid's class this year!  Shawn and Madison S.!  It was fun to get to know their mom's too!  
Here is Addy our next door neighbor and one of my kids best friends!  They would play with Addy everyday if I let them!