Monday, March 17, 2008

They say a cat has 9 lives... Max is down to 8

So lately I have not been the biggest fan of our kitten Max. He is naughty! Jeff decided a few weeks ago we should have him declawed, devoiced, demanned and one more thing. He meows at night to get out of the laundry room and scratches and bites like crazy!! Good thing we don't have leather couches yet. I even talked about finding him a new home. Well, Tuesday night of this week Jeff went to a DAT prep class and the kids and I were up watching a movie. About 8:30pm I realized I forgot to put Britten's sheets in the dryer, so I jumped up and threw them in. As I sat back on the couch I heard Max somewhere meowing. After a few minutes I thought maybe he got shut in the bathroom closet. I sent Britten to see if he was in there. Britten could not find him in there so we continued watching the movie. I kept hearing a cat meow but it was getting more distant. I thought maybe it was a cat outside. After about 5 more minutes I thought I better get up and make sure it was not Max. As I walked by the laundry room I hear this loud thumping noise coming from the dryer and at that moment I knew Max was in there. (because I have pulled him out about 3 times on prior days). I ran to open the dryer and found Max wrapped in Britten's sheets covered in blood. He was burning hot and his heart was beating soooooooo fast. I thought surely he was going to die in my arms. I washed him with a cold rag and started calling emergency pet clinics. Britten and Sarah were such good little helpers while I was running around panicking. We all said a prayer that Max would not die and that he would get better. We took him to the animal er and $140 dollars later he was in a little better shape. They gave him liquids and a shot for his pain and swelling. His nose, ears and paws were burned and swollen. I look at Max now and can't believe he survived his ride in the dryer. The vet said he was lucky to be alive after being in there for so long. Now Max is living the life of luxury. He has been spoiled rotten and after almost dying he actual is not so mean and crazy. Can you believe my luck with cats???


Natalie said...

My luck with cats and nylons is not good either!!

Vanessa, Zac and Noah said...

That is the saddest story ever...and I don't even like cats!

abi said...

Awww Leigh that is a sad story! I'm glad he is ok.