I love that Sarah is giving herself bunny ears here... and I love how freezing my mom looks!
Some guy was outside giving rides on this old couch with a remote control! The kids totally wanted a ride!
While my parents were here we went to Salt Lake to see the lights at Temple Square. I can't believe I have not been since I was in college... It was so beautiful! It is amazing how many lights they put up and the beautiful Nativity they have! So glad we were able to go.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Temple Square at Christmas Time!
Posted by loven it! at 2:09 PM 3 comments
Tae Kwon Do
The kids started Tae Kwon Do last year from Mrs. Tina in our neighborhood. She is awesome and teaches in her basement. Sarah got her white belt with yellow stripe and Britten got his white belt with black stripe. It is fun to watch them and see what they are learning! Ian even likes to do kicks and punches too. Since they started they have had a few bully encounters and they are not scared of anyone! Not sure how good that is... We were at Kangaroo Zoo and I look over and see Sarah grabbing some 12 year old by the shirt and swinging him around. Sarah also was sparing an 8 year old in her class and he kept backing up and she said, "you gotta defend yourself dude!" Britten is doing great and improving quickly!
Posted by loven it! at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ice Skating Outing!
Sarah and Nana going around the rink! She did so good and she actually wants to have her birthday party here with her friends... I went around with her a few times and she kept saying speed up slow poke!
Britten and his Dad... I was so impressed with how determined Britten was to get this ice skating down. He had spaghetti legs when he first started and was all over the place. He fell so many times but he was determined to skate around the rink on his own. By the time we left he was doing a pretty good job!
Papa John and little Ian. I thought it was so cool that they had skates Ian's size. He was the cutest little peanut out there!
We had a lot of family visit us over the holidays! Jeff's family likes to do something FUN everyday they are here. We decided to go ice skating at the Olympic rink in Provo and the kids had a BLAST! It is something that I recommend anyone who lives around here and we will totally go back!
Posted by loven it! at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Since it is snowing today...
Ian at our neighborhood pool!Ian LOVED swimming this past summer! He even wore his floaties around the house sometimes! He would not let my dad take a break from this trick!
Britten and Sarah with their cousin Ryder in Nana and Papa's backyard!
Ian was not so sure about running through the sprinkler...
Here are the kids at the fun hotel in San Antonio!
My kids are like little fish in the summer time! I seriously think they spent more time in the water than out of it! So glad they love to be outside and in the water so much! We are looking forward to next summer to swim some more!
Posted by loven it! at 3:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 24, 2011
sledding up Parley's Canyon... it was so beautiful!Christmas Wreath covered in snow!
view from the front door...
view from the back...

Posted by loven it! at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Flash BACK!
Back in August we adopted a new kitten and named her Cinnamon. She was so little when we brought her home and so scared! In fact we brought her home and put her down in the garage and she darted underneath our stairs and would not come out. 2 days later we had to scare her out and put up a baby gate to keep her from running and hiding. Well, her name really suits her personality! She is the SWEETEST cat we have had and believe me we have had many in the past few years! We love our little kitty!!
Posted by loven it! at 6:26 PM 0 comments
You've Got A Friend in ME!
For Christmas Ian got a buzz lightyear costume from his Nana and Papa John... It took him a few weeks to discover and since then he has been wearing it daily!! He LOVES "buzzyear". He walks around the house singing "I gotta friend in you... I gotta friend in you..." And many nights he request that I sing the "Toy Story" song to him before he goes to bed! Too bad this costume was not around when it was Halloween!! This is my favorite age and I love how Ian is my little bud!

Posted by loven it! at 5:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
blogger cast away...

Posted by loven it! at 12:08 PM 1 comments